Monday, 16 July 2012

Marriage Prep

So, Swathi and I have to be "prepared" for the challenges, shenanigans, and general nastiness accompanying a lifetime of togetherness. Or so thinks the Catholic Church. If you didn't know, a prerequisite to being married by the church is the completion of a marriage preparation course by a church nominated authority. It's not so much a religious exercise as it is a pragmatic, this-is-the-way-the-world-works one.

Our counselor is the lovely Clare, recommended by friends (thank you L & S)who'd embarked on afore-mentioned path o' nastiness recently, and we met with her yesterday for our first session.

The high point was a 180-odd question test (which we had to take individually) that poked around areas ranging from the obvious ("have you discussed the consolidation of financial assets with your future spouse?") to the uncomfortable ("are there any conditions under which you would consider taking back your spouse if he/she cheated on you?") to the absolutely bizarre ("do you harbor sexual feelings of any kind towards persons of the same sex ?").

All in all it was a hugely entertaining and reasonably beneficial session, accompanied by many sniggers and meaningful glances. In a few weeks we go back to learn the results of our test. Now, *that's* gonna be fun!

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